Materia Condesada CMF | Universidad Mayor

In the area of condensed matter, physical phenomena in substances in the solid state are studied. This includes crystalline structures, defects in crystals, amorphous materials, metamaterials, and solid systems in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. Generally, physical phenomena are associated with quantum many-particle systems where magnetic, electronic, phononic, and photonic properties can emerge in ordered or disordered phases of matter. In our research group, we focus on the following lines of investigation:

(1) Color centers in diamond: optical, electronic, and phononic properties of diamonds with color centers.

(2) Condensed matter and open quantum systems: theoretical and computational modeling of many-particle systems such as phononic systems, spin arrays, and defects in crystalline structures.

(3) Quantum control in condensed matter: computational simulation of out-of-equilibrium systems manipulated with control fields to study properties such as phase transitions, dynamic hysteresis, and non-Markovianity.

Participating Researchers

Ph.D. in Physics

Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics

H Optica


Edificio de Ciencias, 5°Piso. Camino La Pirámide N°5750, Huechuraba
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