Quantum Information and Quantum Measurements. CMF | Universidad Mayor

In quantum information theory we study of some of its applications, such as: quantum discrimination of non-orthogonal states, quantum teleportation, quantum tomography and quantum cloning of states. The goal of the research is to find new theoretical results in the area of quantum information theory, together with experimental proposals for the implementation of the theoretical results. Another subject of interest is knowing which types of correlations allow the implementation of the quantum information protocols. Some of the quantum correlations of the bipartite states are: the entanglement [1] (which exhibit nonlocal behavior) and quantum discord [2] (which is a measure of the quantumness of correlations). Together with the classical correlations present in the implementation of the protocols of quantum information, gives us a better understanding of the resources needed, and capabilities of applications of quantum information theory.

[1] Horodecki R. et al.(2009) Quantum entanglement. Reviews of Modern physics, 81, 865.

[2] Modi K. et al.(2012) The classical-quantum boundary for correlations: Discord and related measures. Reviews of Modern physics, 84, 1655.

Participating Researchers

Ph.D. in Physics

Ph.D. in Physics

H Optica


Edificio de Ciencias, 5°Piso. Camino La Pirámide N°5750, Huechuraba
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