Astrophysics CMF | Universidad Mayor

In this research area at the CMF, we primarily focus on studying massive stars and planetary systems.

Massive stars are, mainly, supergiant stars of spectral types O, B, and A, as well as Be-type stars. These stars expel stellar winds, providing clues about their evolution and their chemical and dynamical contribution to the surrounding medium. To investigate these objects and their phenomena, we employ independent and time-dependent hydrodynamic codes, analyze their spectra, and perform theoretical calculations.

Planetary systems are ensembles of objects formed by a central star (or several) and one or more objects orbiting around it. Studying these systems allows us to understand their origin and evolution, the vast diversity of observed exoplanets, and habitable zones. To study these systems, we utilize hydrodynamic and N-body simulations, combined with theoretical calculations.

Astrophysical research extends beyond studying stars and planets in isolation. Our research line seeks synergies between these two areas by exploring how massive stars influence the formation and evolution of planetary systems, ultimately gaining a more comprehensive view of the Universe.

Participating Researchers

Ph.D. in Astrophysics

Ph.D. in Astronomy

H Optica


Edificio de Ciencias, 5°Piso. Camino La Pirámide N°5750, Huechuraba
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